Thursday, July 10, 2008

My Babies.

I'm the oldest of 25 grandchildren on my mom's side, which is why there are seven boys under the age of 5 constantly running around. They are delightful little people, and I love being with them. [Although I will NOT enjoy being old enough to be their mother when they grow up. I'll be that "old cousin." Eww.]

Photographing children is tough. They're squirmy (& cute!) little buggers. Behold, some portraits of my favorite little people {children, not LPs. Just so we're clear.}:

Being a toddler is tiring.

Perplexed. And rocking the baby rosary.

Baby smiles are the best.

Little baby teeth.

Hot, tired, and whiny. Delightful, really.

Sweet lips.

Remember when losing a tooth was a huge deal?

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